Beginners guide to Chelsea Flower Show: what to see & how to avoid the queues
Lee Burkhill: Award Winning Designer & BBC 1's Garden Rescue Presenters Official Blog
Beginner level
Chelsea flower show is the world's most infamous and high-profile flower show. Unsurpassed in its range of florists, designers, plants women & men all showing the best of the best. Given this lofty introduction, many beginner visitors can feel a bit uneasy at what to expect, what to wear and how to prepare. Don't panic; Garden Ninja is here to give you the skinny on how to make the most out of your Chelsea virginity!
Updated 2025: So you've got your ticket in hand for the Chelsea flower show and are giddy with excitement. You can't wait to see what's on offer. However, some key pieces of advice will help you avoid pitfalls and mental/physical fatigue. You can put your mind at rest to enjoy the world's most celebrated flower show.
The main advice is that there is an insane amount to see in a relatively small area. It's busy, slow-moving and can be overwhelming. You won't be able to see everything in a day, but what you will see will be awesome.
Before you do anything, buy a programme (also known as the 'Show Catalogue') when you're there. It's the best way to work out what you want to see, and if you get lost, you have something to read whilst waiting for your friends to come to find you.
Right, let the insider tips and advice on the Beginners Guide to Chelsea flower show begin!
Look how excited we all are during our first time at the Chelsea Flower Show! (Mind you, we had just all won the 2016 Feel Good Gardens Design Competition, but you know what I mean!)
Whilst Chelsea flower show is one of the smallest in terms of the overall footprint, you're going to be doing an awful lot of walking, standing and slow-moving during the day. It was maybe great to pick out your matching stilettos to match your floral fitted twin set from Per Una but you'll be regretting that fashion choice within the first hour!
Whilst you may have saved your finest heels for Chelsea; after 10 mins of shuffling your feet will be screaming.
The number of people I've seen rubbing their feet, hobbling or complaining about footwear at Chelsea must be in the hundreds. It's a field day for blisters and potential ankle-related issues. In fact, Richard Jacksons Chelsea's blog post lists comfortable footwear as one of the main guidelines!
Pick something flat, non-fussy and without trailing laces. Then, you'll be set for the day. Avoid heels, flip-flops, fashion footwear and waders.
2. Use the toilet facilities when you see them
Now I know it may be rude to bring up toilets so early in the guide to Chelsea Flower Show, but you'll thank me that I have. There are three main toilets at the Chelsea Flower Show on opposite sides of the site. Although the site is small, it can take roughly 20-30 minutes in high crowds to get from one side to the other especially if film crews are blocking one of the main routes.
Check out the Orange toilet zones below. All on the edges of the site, nothing in the middle.
My advice is that as soon as you see the toilets, note where they are and then use them. The queues can be huge at times, and you don't want to be bursting with a 20 min crawl to get to them followed by a 10-minute wait.
The good news is they have a really lovely handwash and are in the shade. So on hot days, nipping the loo can be a welcome break, especially to sit down briefly!
3. What to wear at Chelsea Flower Show?
Chelsea flower show is high profile. It's a grand day out where Champagne flows and high brow rules. So it's easy to get caught up in Chelsea fashion. Planning that 'this season' look. You need to bear in mind though that temperatures can soar at Chelsea, 32 degrees last year when I was exhibiting. It can also rain and be breezy given its proximity to the Thames.
Layering up your clothing is key to avoiding heatstroke or being soaked by a potential downpour. Learn from my example when I wore a Harris Tweed jacket to Chelsea in 26 degrees a few years back for the BBC Feel Good Gardens competition. It was a hot hell. Light and breezy layers people.
The Harris Tweed Jacket I'd lusted for after all those years was an absolute nightmare in the heat! Not sure why Anne Marie Powell is rubbing my face - I suppose my skin is flawless.
4. Take a bag to Chelsea Flower Show
Whilst security is tight at the Chelsea flower show, taking a bag is a must. You'll be picking up potentially hundreds of leaflets, plant lists and impulse garden purchases. Another sneaky tip is that a backpack can act as both an 'anti-personal space intrusion' device from the crowds closely behind you, but also double up as a potential seat if you end up sitting on the floor somewhere, which you will believe me!
Without a bag, you're going to be left with an armful of bits. People getting far too close to you, and nowhere to store anything!
Essential bag items: make sure you take the following:
Packed lunch (Food queues can be huge and expensive)
Picnic blanket or kneeling mat to sit on (seriously, you'll thank me!)
Fizz! (Yes, you can take your own!)
A programme can help plan your day and give you some much-needed reading material after the show
5. How long do you need to visit the Chelsea flower show?
The quick answer is around 5-7 hours to get to see all the main show gardens, floral marquees and displays. However, you could easily spend a full week there and still not see everything.
There is such an array of different exhibits, all squeezed into a relatively small space. So planning your trip is vital to avoid wasting time or ending up frustrated at missing displays you really wanted to see.
6. Watch your step to avoid trips
The Chelsea Flower Show is insanely busy during the day, especially in the morning. You're going to be walking at a snail's pace all day. There is no rushing, no ability to hit a fast walk or slow jog. You have to accept this and 'go with the flow' somewhat. Given this crawling pace, another top tip is to watch your feet periodically. Chelsea has a number of terrain changes from hard concrete, steps, metal walkways and grass.
If you're lost in the moment, staring at a beautiful garden whilst walking, you may end up accidentally stumbling. So keep your eyes open on the ground every now and then, especially when moving from show garden areas where the metal floor plates can dip.
Nick Baileys Mathematics Garden in 2016 was one of my all time favourites from Chelsea
7. Don't bring your trolley - you can't buy plants at Chelsea
Unlike other RHS show gardens, the Floral marquee doesn't offer plant sales at the Chelsea Flower Show. Given the amount of award-winning displays packed into the floral marquee, space is at a premium. With the exception of the last hour of show week (4pm on Saturday when a bell rings and chaos ensues), plants can be bought only during this time. You can't actually buy anything from the floral marquee when you're there.
So my advice is that there isn't the space for those small, awkward pull trollies. Besides, they can only realistically hold about four plants, so you're better off with a rucksack and bags for life at flower shows to carry your purchases home.
8. Find shelter in the shade at Chelsea
If the sun is out at Chelsea, it can be blisteringly hot. All those metal walkways and marquees act as a huge heat sink. There's no medal for getting heatstroke, so make sure that you seek shade every now and then, whether it's the toilets, under a tree that you've spotted that has an available seating space or 'the tunnel' that connects the triangle with the Artisan Gardens area.
See the map with the quiet-ish place for a picnic under the trees. Take refuge in that shade, people, and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration during the long day.
Obviously, don't shelter in one of the many trades stand glasshouses that would be silly @garden_ninja at Chelsea 2018 in my Gregor Mendel themed glasshouse
9. Don't rely on Mobile phone reception
There's a maximum capacity of 157,000 visitors to the Chelsea flower show each year. That's around 30,000 per day. Given that everyone's now mobile phone dependent, the stress on the mobile network is high. Bear this in mind if you're relying on Instagramming your head off or trying to call to find a friend. Switching in and out of aeroplane mode can help! Always arrange a lost pick-up point.
Oh no girl! Don't rely on your phone at Chelsea Flower Show
10. Organise a meeting point
Ok, so here's my biggest insider tip, which is to organise a meeting point if you get lost or lose your friends. It's entirely possible to be next to your friend one minute and then lost in a sea of garden fanatics the next!
My top tip would be to arrange to meet in 'the tunnel'. This is the walkway that connects 'the triangle' near the BBC press tent and the Artisan Gardens area. It's always planted up as a beautiful installation of some kind. It's only short and narrow, so finding a friend in here if they stand to one side is far easier than in the other areas.
The Tunnel is always home to some incredible displays. in 2018 it was a willow woodland den complete with hanging foliage, dusky lights and a shady planting scheme planted by @Lara_behr for Paul Malget of the florist La Famille
If you get lost or need to meet someone, my advice would be to recommend they find the triangle and meet you in 'the tunnel'.
If it is all getting a bit much, seek out one of my 'quieter' places to have a moment without the busy crowds. It's worth spending 30 mins sitting on your kneel mat or on a bank somewhere rather than rushing around in the heat.
Taking an early or late lunch is also beneficial. Then you're not in a scrum in the catering areas or struggling for a seat. The Artisan area has a number of benches, grass, low walls and other areas you can find a spot to enjoy your lunch and discuss what you've just seen!
Sara Morgan from the Garden Creative and me enjoying a quiet drink near the Artisan Craft Sheds exhibit at Chelsea - Take the time to enjoy the moment at Chelsea
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12. Take in all the surroundings
It's not just Show Gardens and Floristry displays that Chelsea is world-famous for. Every aspect of the showground is meticulously planned and thought through. Take 'the tunnel' for example. It's always designed with two long borders and a hanging ceiling display, and it is gorgeous. You can get just as much inspiration from these installations as from the main show gardens.
Every part of Chelsea is stylised with plants, flowers and wonders like this main arch.
All around the show, there are planting displays and stylised themes running throughout. So don't forget to check out the entrances and planting areas near the Artisan gardens. All gorgeous and all planned, designed and planted by experts. The unsung heroes of Chelsea if you ask me!
13. Map of Chelsea Flower Show
Thanks to @Timhowellx for the map images - check him out on Twitter. He's the show garden follower king!
14. Can you take dogs to the Chelsea Flower Show?
The answer is no. Not unless they are guide dogs. It actually makes sense when you realise just how busy the Chelsea flower show gets. I've had my feet stomped on numerous times when I've been there, so a dog would be totally overwhelmed, and it would be dangerous.
If you need to potentially take a guide dog get in touch with the RHS about the best way to get around and for assistance.
15. What's the best day to visit the Chelsea flower show?
I'll level with you; the best day to visit the Chelsea flower show is Press Day.
However, unless you're in the press, the media or someone in the business, you can't buy these tickets. Press day is the best because it only hosts a few hundred guests, so it's mega quiet. The usual crowds are not present.
Secondly, press day showcases the Gardens just after judging so they are fresh, new and unspoilt by the weather, whether that be a heat wave or downpour. So, if you ever get the chance to go on press day at Chelsea, grab it!
The next best days are the member's days, usually the Tuesday and Wednesday of show week. This is where RHS members can buy tickets, but not the public. Make of that what you will!
Lastly, there's no other best day. Every day at Chelsea is as good as the last. The gardens and floral marquee are always exceptionally looked after. Saturdays are the most expensive day to visit Chelsea, though and the busiest in my experience. So if possible, go midweek.
16. How much are tickets to the Chelsea Flower Show?
Tickets to the Chelsea flower show do not come cheap. The quality and quantity of horticultural excellence come at a price. A full-price ticket for the public is £115.85.
Most tickets only cover a half day, so bear that in mind. If you see cheap deals on tickets check the timing. The options are either a full day 8am-8pm or the afternoon tickets which are 3.30pm - 8pm. They also have a Chelsea late ticket one evening with additional work shops on.
Half-day Chelsea Flower Show Price
£37.85 for RHS Members and £45.85 for the public 3.30pm-8pm.
Full day Chelsea Flower Show price
£95.85 for RHS Members and £115.85 8am - 8pm.
17. Can you take food to Chelsea Flower Show
Yes, you can. Whatever you can fit into a bag, you can take in. Take note though, it's going to be a slow-packed day navigating crowds. So try and take as little equipment as necessary as you'll find it really hard walking around with a handful of bags or picnic boxes.
Pack light and take the essentials so you don't wear yourselves out. On hot days, walking around with no shade can be brutal and cause dehydration. So, a bottle or two of water is essential for hydration.
There are plenty of food stalls in Chelsea, but expect long queues and high prices. A sandwich at Chelsea costs around £10 and a glass of Chelsea Flower Show Champagne a staggering £18-£22!
18. Are children allowed at the Chelsea Flower Show?
Children are allowed, but I'd advise caution against whether or not you decide to take very young children. The first is that there's no discount for children on ticket prices. So you're paying up to £115.85 for your 5-plus-year-old child.
The second is there's no readmission if you need to leave. So if you have children who need a break from the crowds and you leave, you can't go back in. Given how busy Chelsea is, it can be very overwhelming for children (and even adults!)
Thirdly you can't take pushchairs or prams in, so if your child needs to be carried, you will be wiped out very quickly. It's simply not an event for very young children who cannot walk or deal with crowds.
The RHS has the following details about children's entry to Chelsea on their site. 'Children under the age of 5, prams & pushchairs are not permitted. Babes in arms are allowed but discouraged due to the unsuitability of the environment. Children over 5 years require their own ticket, which must be purchased in advance'.
Remember, these are not 'real' gardens
It's worthwhile to note that the Chelsea Flower Show is intended to showcase the absolute best in design, horticulture, botany, planting and stylised arrangements. Most of it is not meant to represent 'real' gardens but the pinnacle of gardening.
So don't get disheartened if you see all these amazing 'installations' and start to feel your garden or skills are lacking.
These displays are moments in time, a snapshot of gardening perfection. Most of which is the culmination of years' worth of effort, hundreds of thousands of pounds in cost, using a large team of experts in the planning and the creative design process. So they are bound to be absolutely incredible. There are no dud gardens or displays at Chelsea.
Take the ideas, themes, colours and plant lists and adapt them to your gardening style. It's like visiting an art gallery.
You're not meant to be able to instantly achieve that Chelsea look - but you can take inspiration from their design, layout, planting, colours and themes.
Accept you're going to miss things
Chelsea may be small in terms of the size of the showground, but it packs a significant punch in terms of content. Realistically, you won't be able to see it all in one day or even a week! This is where social media and Gardeners' World come in.
There is a week's worth of coverage of Chelsea on the BBC, so you can top up the bits you missed that way. If you've bought a programme, you can then check the details to fill in the entire picture.
Social media is a great way to catch up with Chelsea, especially if you can't attend. Tim Howell on Twitter probably has the most comprehensive stream of Show Garden images. It's his major passion, and he's a wonderful guy if you ever get to meet him. The #RHSChelsea hashtag is a great way to see what everyone is up to as well as Facebook on Gardeners Worlds Page. They did a lovely interview with my award-winning Chelsea design in 2018.
Learn more about growing & Garden Design
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Lastly, patience is a must for everyone. You're here for a good time, not a long time.
Some people working on stalls, exhibitions, show gardens and catering have been there for over 3 weeks with sunburn and fraught with long hours and no sleep.
I often find that asking' How are you?' during interactions makes all the difference. 'Please' and 'thank you', followed by 'after you', will make the entire experience far nicer for everyone. That goes for visitors and exhibitors!!!
You're in for a fantastic treat having a day out at Chelsea with loads of take-home tips, style ideas and inspiration. Why not Tweet, Facebook or Instagram me with your Chelsea flower show snaps or tips. You can also check out the other guides and vlogs on my Youtube channel.
I’m annoyed I’m not dressed up properly for the occasion cos it was the very last minute my friend asked me to come as his wife couldn’t go. And I’m wearing all the wrong clothes and wished I had checked the website on the day of the invitation. I’ll be wearing a pink printed top, blue jeggings and multi-coloured trainers. 🙁 Sadly no time to buy new clothes for the event as I’ve got acting class first then staying at friend’s for the night then we go to that event tomorrow. I don’t live in London. I’m worried that I’m going to be really anxious and feeling so out of place in what I’m wearing! 😒
Hi Sarah. Don’t panic. I find that a confident strut can overcome any worries about what one is wearing. In fact I often strut into events with my work boots on and no one bats an eye. Have confidence girl. Go forth and strut!!!
HI. Just seen your post . My husband and his friend who is going for the first time a talking and getting excited ! It is what it is. I am sure you will be fine. I hope you enjoy your day. The last day is really good as you will get some bargains if you are interested in the plants. BTW Afternoon tea is £95.00 ahead and you have to book. You can also take food in with you if your prefer. Enjoy !
Thanks very much Lee for all the advice re Chelsea. Need to look out a hat 👒 to protect against the sun but maybe I should bring some Scottish west coast weather with me 😂
Absolutely wonderful advice for a chelsea novice
I’m going for the first time next year and this has been a great guide for what to expect – thank-you!
I am a wheelchair user with a care I am slow it will be my first time
Can you give n
Me some advise
Good advice , common sense and manners are the order of the day
Thanks for the heads up see you there
I’m annoyed I’m not dressed up properly for the occasion cos it was the very last minute my friend asked me to come as his wife couldn’t go. And I’m wearing all the wrong clothes and wished I had checked the website on the day of the invitation. I’ll be wearing a pink printed top, blue jeggings and multi-coloured trainers. 🙁
Sadly no time to buy new clothes for the event as I’ve got acting class first then staying at friend’s for the night then we go to that event tomorrow. I don’t live in London. I’m worried that I’m going to be really anxious and feeling so out of place in what I’m wearing! 😒
Hi Sarah. Don’t panic. I find that a confident strut can overcome any worries about what one is wearing. In fact I often strut into events with my work boots on and no one bats an eye. Have confidence girl. Go forth and strut!!!
Just seen your post . My husband and his friend who is going for the first time a talking and getting excited ! It is what it is. I am sure you will be fine. I hope you enjoy your day. The last day is really good as you will get some bargains if you are interested in the plants. BTW Afternoon tea is £95.00 ahead and you have to book. You can also take food in with you if your prefer.
Enjoy !
Hey Lee Garden Ninja! (Love the name btw!)
Thanks a lot for your comment and I’m very appreciative! Yes I shall strut away with confidence.
Thanks very much Lee for all the advice re Chelsea. Need to look out a hat 👒 to protect against the sun but maybe I should bring some Scottish west coast weather with me 😂