When I first started gardening many, many moons ago, I always used to garden barehanded. It gave me a real feeling of connection with the earth and the process of gardening. It wasn’t long, though, before coworkers were giving my dirt-stained hands and nails the look of horror. It looked like I’d clawed my way […]
Read moreNovember is a cold month which signals the end of Autumn and the beginning of winters frosts. It’s easy to think its the end of the gardening year but if you think like that you’ll miss out on some wonderful gardening treats. It’s funny how people comment on ‘putting the garden to bed’. I never […]
Read moreI’m going to be brutally honest in this blog post, in that I’ve wanted a greenhouse for so many years but never had space for one. I’ve wanted one so much that when I bought one a year ago it languished behind the garage, unpacked for over 12 months. The irony of getting what you’ve […]
Read moreCaroline Mann is a Buyer with garden supply specialist Wyevale Garden Centres. She explains to Garden Ninja viewers how you can keep your garden furniture in optimal condition for longer, by showing you how to care for your wooden, metal and rattan sets. Our garden furniture can be our pride and joy, with many of […]
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