It can be highly frustrating when trying to create a garden when the plants you choose struggle, look limp or fail to live up to your expectations. We have all been there trying to grow plants that no matter how much love we give them, they struggle for a while and then end up dying. […]
Read moreWhen it comes to choosing plants for your garden, it’s not just a case of simply picking what looks best. You need to make sure you’re always picking the right plant for the right place. This includes looking at a few factors, including plant hardiness ratings, to make sure that the investment you make it […]
Read moreGrowing your own fruit and vegetables is a fantastic way to engage with your garden, reduce your carbon footprint and help eat better organic produce. Tomatoes are one of our most popular fruits to buy in supermarkets and can be bought year-round (usually by being flown halfway around the world, sadly). Often, these ‘forced tomatoes’ […]
Read morePlant food and fertilizer can be somewhat confusing if you’re new to gardening or even an expert gardener. With the multiple different types of fertilizer, from shop-bought to homemade plant foods, it can be tricky working out what to feed which plant, when to feed and by how much. Often, so many gardeners just feed […]
Read moreHerbs are a wonderful part of any container, kitchen or aromatic garden. Offering delicious scents in the garden and edible plants used for culinary, medicine and aromatherapy. These easy-to-grow plants are a great starting point for any new gardener, which is why there’s been a rise in the number of people growing herbs here in […]
Read moreIf you’re considering starting a meadow, no-mow zone in your lawn or mini meadow in your garden, the yellow rattle is a vital plant ally you need to grow! This plant will help reduce the competition and vigour from native lawn grasses, enabling plants to flourish that otherwise would be overshadowed in the garden. So […]
Read morePlanting Allium bulbs in your back gardens, flower beds, containers, or balcony gardens is a great way to add some early summer drama to your planting schemes and also help out the bees. These bright purple flowers stand tall and strong in our flower beds, often acting as a focal point in our gardens. When […]
Read moreSpring flowers show the first positive signs that spring is just around the corner. There is nothing nicer than getting through the winter and seeing a mix of spring bulbs emerging in the garden. Winter Aconites (Eranthis) and Snowdrops (Galanthus) are the first early bird bulbs to spring up. It brightens up our gardening days […]
Read moreYou may be thinking why on earth would anyone want to be out planting roses in the middle of Winter? I’d usually agree but did you know that by planting bare root roses in winter you can save yourself a whole heap of expense and hassle next year? Saving you time and money to enjoy […]
Read moreNow I know what you’re thinking, but you don’t need to be a Samurai to use one or train with a Sensei gardener for years on a remote Japanese island. Once you’ve got the hang of using a hori hori, I guarantee you’ll never look back! Whilst the Hori Hori gardening knife may look quite […]
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