Growing a wisteria in your garden can be one of the most impressive plants to welcome you home. In summer, wisteria has jaw-dropping pendulous (raceme) lilac flowers that hang down like purple pendants in mid-summer. These climbing giants can add a green vertical gardening layer to your home. Whether around a door to soften an […]
Read moreRoses are the quintessential English garden plant found in gardens worldwide. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t fond of roses. Whether it be that bridal bouquet, Valentine’s Day, or visits to English country gardens, the rose is one of the most iconic garden flowers. However, the rose’s beauty also comes with some […]
Read moreSometimes gardeners can get a bit triggert happy when ti comes to pruning trees, especially in winter when ther true shape of the tree is laid bare. However, did you know that cherry, plum and apricot trees, (any in the prunus genus) shouldn’t be pruned in winter due to them contracting a fungus called silver […]
Read morePruning back herbaceous perennials is essential to ensure beautiful blooms in your garden year after year. However, many gardeners are confused about when and how to prune. Most new gardeners leave herbaceous perennials like Salvias, Heleniums or Verbenas, expecting them to regenerate themselves the year after magically. The fact is, they won’t. All herbaceous perennials […]
Read moreToday, we’re diving into the world of the Clematis plant genus, the queens of climbers. These stunning climbing plants can transform any vertical garden space with huge blooms and vine-like foliage. The beauty of the Clematis plant group is that they help bring greenery vertically to your garden as they grow and scramble up pergolas, […]
Read moreLavender is one plant that people are immediately drawn to in gardens. Lavender has beautiful aromatic foliage, bringing heady scents to the garden, along with purple spikes of flowers. It has many uses, whether as an herb, aromatherapy for the home, sensory applications as you brush past it or just as a beautiful relaxing colour […]
Read moreUpdated 2024: Every garden should have at least one tree, and when I speak to clients with tiny gardens, the apple tree is the one I recommend most frequently. Not only do apple trees provide a rich source of pollen for bees, but they are also beautiful trees for a small garden. The bonus is […]
Read moreUpdated 2024: Understanding how to prune hydrangeas is key to ensuring fantastic flowers on your hydrangea shrubs. Hydrangeas give a real show of huge flowers for months during the summer. Their flowers can then be left in situ, fading from their vibrant early summer colours into translucent winter flower heads. The hydrangea is the true […]
Read morePruning conifers is an essential task to maintain the health, shape, and overall appearance of your garden hedges and trees. However, there are a few major flaws when it comes to cutting back conifers without the proper knowledge, mainly resulting in dead, brown or dried-out conifer trees and hedges. This guide is going to help […]
Read moreCornus is a genus of about 30–60 species of woody plants in the family Cornaceae, commonly known as Dogwoods. Cornus are common in the UK and grow vigorously here, making them an almost bulletproof garden shrub for beginner gardeners. In fact, you may have one and not even know as established Cornus lose their firey […]
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