Gooseberries are a fuss-free fruiting shrub that are a great fruit bush for beginner gardeners. Suitable for container gardens, small gardens, big gardens or allotment patches. They are a brilliant addition to the edible garden. Gooseberries, however, have a crisis of conscience with gardeners. Given their rugged, thorny appearance, many people are either discouraged from […]
Read moreCherry trees, with their delicate blossoms and luscious fruits, are fabulous fruit trees for any sized garden. But to ensure their health, productivity, and aesthetic appeal, it’s essential to understand how to prune them correctly. Pruning a Cherry or Plum tree might sound daunting at first, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break […]
Read moreThis guide from guest writer and gardening enthusiast Rosie Buckley gives the Garden Ninja community some top tips when planning any hedge cutting. As birds are a vital part of our garden’s ecosystem ensuring we don’t disturb them is key to clean hedge cutting. This page contains affiliate links for products I use and love. […]
Read moreAs small garden trees and fruit trees start to grow each year the chances of lower branches becoming too heavy to support the fruit is a real issue. If you leave these lower branches to continue to grow and bear fruit the likelihood is they will start to droop to the flower and could tear […]
Read moreWhether you have just planted a hedge or inherited one in your garden, this guide will show you how to efficiently cut a hedge. Ignore those fears that cutting a hedge is a full weekend of drama. It really doesn’t have to be with the correct technique and tools. Hedges provide our gardens with a […]
Read moreUpdated 2024: Pruning is one of the key parts of creating and maintaining a gorgeous garden. However, many gardeners avoid pruning due to a lack of confidence or not really understanding how to prune. This guide is going to explain why you need to prune in the garden and then how to prune plants perfectly! […]
Read morePear trees are one of the least fussy small garden fruit trees. By their very nature, they tend to grow more vertically than horizontally. Lending themselves to both formative pruning or small gardens where space is at a premium. With the correct care your pear tree will reward you with delicious organic autumn fruit in […]
Read moreWe’ve all become used to popping down to the garden centre when we need new plants. However, thanks to Corona and Covid-19, we are now much more aware of unnecessary commercialism and our gardens. As more of us have been forced to get better acquainted with our outdoor spaces heralding the rise of the ‘accidental […]
Read moreWhen I first started gardening many moons ago, I never saw the importance of sharpening tools like secateurs. How bad can pruning cuts be from a less-than-perfect set of secateurs? Well, I had a pretty bad experience early on in my career. After using blunt snips on one poor shrub, I subsequently lost it to […]
Read moreIt’s a sad fact that an area the size of the UK is being lost each year worldwide to deforestation. Trees are being felled and cut down at an alarming rate. Now, even local UK councils are stealth tree felling claiming that their ‘maintenance’ costs outweigh trees’ environmental benefits. It’s all too easy for homeowners […]
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