Cornus is a genus of about 30–60 species of woody plants in the family Cornaceae, commonly known as Dogwoods. Cornus are common in the UK and grow vigorously here, making them an almost bulletproof garden shrub for beginner gardeners. In fact, you may have one and not even know as established Cornus lose their firey […]
Read moreIt’s a real surprise that the mighty Medlar tree isn’t more popular for small gardens. Not only is it a well-behaved small fruit tree, but it is self-fertile. Meaning it produces fruits without the need for a pollinator tree. It’s also one of the only winter-fruiting trees, so why aren’t they more popular? This is […]
Read moreDo you sometimes look out into your garden and feel disappointed that it looks empty or all crammed in for a few fleeting moments? Does your garden seem to run away with itself and be a firework that goes off once a year and then fizzles? If this sounds like your garden, you must join […]
Read moreGooseberries are a fuss-free fruiting shrub that are a great fruit bush for beginner gardeners. Suitable for container gardens, small gardens, big gardens or allotment patches. They are a brilliant addition to the edible garden. Gooseberries, however, have a crisis of conscience with gardeners. Given their rugged, thorny appearance, many people are either discouraged from […]
Read moreWhen it comes to choosing plants for your garden, it’s not just a case of simply picking what looks best. You need to make sure you’re always picking the right plant for the right place. This includes looking at a few factors, including plant hardiness ratings, to make sure that the investment you make it […]
Read moreIt can feel daunting and uninspiring to try and garden in the winter, especially if you are a beginner or have just bought your first garden. Knowing how and where to start gardening can be enough to put you off from even trying. If you’re thinking of just waiting to see what pops up in […]
Read moreSpring flowers show the first positive signs that spring is just around the corner. There is nothing nicer than getting through the winter and seeing a mix of spring bulbs emerging in the garden. Winter Aconites (Eranthis) and Snowdrops (Galanthus) are the first early bird bulbs to spring up. It brightens up our gardening days […]
Read morePear trees are one of the least fussy small garden fruit trees. By their very nature, they tend to grow more vertically than horizontally. Lending themselves to both formative pruning or small gardens where space is at a premium. With the correct care your pear tree will reward you with delicious organic autumn fruit in […]
Read moreYou may be thinking why on earth would anyone want to be out planting roses in the middle of Winter? I’d usually agree but did you know that by planting bare root roses in winter you can save yourself a whole heap of expense and hassle next year? Saving you time and money to enjoy […]
Read moreWhen I first started gardening many moons ago, I never saw the importance of sharpening tools like secateurs. How bad can pruning cuts be from a less-than-perfect set of secateurs? Well, I had a pretty bad experience early on in my career. After using blunt snips on one poor shrub, I subsequently lost it to […]
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