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  • Welcome to the Garden Ninja Gardening Forum! If you have a gardening question that you can't find answers to then ask below to seek help from the Garden Ninja army! Please make your garden questions as specific and detailed as possible so the community can provide comprehensive answers in the online forum below.

    Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

    Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, it's a safe place to ask garden-related questions for garden design or planting. If you have a problem in your garden or need help, this is the Garden Forum for you!

    Garden Ninja forum ask a question

    Posting Rules: This space is open for all garden-related questions. Please be polite, courteous and respectful. If you wouldn't say it to your mum's face, then don't post it here. Please don't promote, sell, link spam or advertise here. Please don't ask for 'cheeky' full Garden redesigns here. They will be deleted.

    If you need a garden design service, please use this page to book a design consultation. I will block anyone who breaks these rules or is discourteous to the Garden Ninja Community.

    Join the forum below with your gardening questions!

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    Ask a Gardening Question

    General QuestionsLast post
    Introduce yourselves!Welcome to the Garden Ninja community forum. With thousands of Ninjas around the world why not introduce yourself and meet new Garden Ninja friends? This is the place to find answers to all your gardening questions.68 Topics · 177 PostsLast post: Gladioli corms: how to divide and … · 3 weeks ago · Lee Garden Ninja
    Garden DesignLast post
    Garden Design QuestionsThis forum is for specific garden design questions, niggles or problems. This is not a free garden redesign service! Please add a question below to see if the Garden Ninja community can help with ideas!77 Topics · 207 PostsLast post: Planting flowers next to hedge · 4 weeks ago · Lee Garden Ninja
    Gardening Questions & AnswersLast post
    How to garden questionsStruggling to work out how to do something in the garden? Drop the Garden Ninja community a line here for help! No matter how silly the gardening question may be sometimes all gardeners need some help.139 Topics · 392 PostsLast post: Watering seedlings · 2 days ago · tankboy74
    Plant ProblemsAsk your plant problems or niggles here. Please upload a photo so the community can help you further!197 Topics · 513 PostsLast post: Dying Portuguese Laurels · 7 days ago · Lee Garden Ninja
    Beginner Gardening Questions & GuidesLast post
    First time gardener questionsThis forum is for beginner gardening questions no matter how 'silly' or inexperienced. We welcome as many questions for beginner gardeners as possible to help you turn fro zero skill to Garden Ninja Hero level! Ask away below!162 Topics · 470 PostsLast post: Issues with newly laid lawn turfpa … · 5 days ago · almash
    Garden Ninja Garden ToursLast post
    Garden Tours - Come join me in the garden on Youtube!Join Lee Burkhill - the Garden Ninja - as he provides his monthly gardening tours packed full of helpful hints and tips for your own gardens.12 Topics · 14 PostsLast post: April Garden Tours · 8 months ago · lajfstajs
    Online Garden Design Course HelpLast post
    Garden Design Online CoursesThis forum is for the students of my Garden Design Online Courses. This is an area where you can submit designs, ask questions about planting plans or any of my Online Gardening Courses. This resource allows you the student to gather feedback and connect!2 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: Hi · 1 year ago · Lee Garden Ninja
    Newest Member: olesentuition · Currently Online: 34 Guests
    Online garden design courses

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