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    Welcome to the ultimate beginner gardening and garden design forum! Where no gardening question is too silly or obvious. This online gardening forum is run by Lee Burkhill, the Garden Ninja from BBC 1's Garden Rescue and a trusted group of experienced gardeners.

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    Best plants for raised planters??


    I live in the far north of Scotland in a coastal location (quite harsh for plants!!) I have just had some raised planters round my patio installed. I would like something to plant in them that will act as a wind break for the patio. So fairly quick growing, possibly hedge-like? I would ideally like a bit of colour such as flowers? I’m basically clueless! I know something like box hedge would give shelter but I hoped someone could help with something that would look more exciting than this?? Picture of planter included for size. Thank you in advance 😃Planter

    For your coastal location in the far north of Scotland, consider planting a mix of hardy, colorful, and wind-resistant shrubs like Escallonia, Hardy Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica), Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa), Griselinia littoralis, Hebe, and Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) in your raised planters. This combination will provide an effective windbreak and add vibrant color to your patio with a mix of evergreen and flowering plants. Ensure good soil drainage, keep the plants well-watered until established, and apply mulch to protect the roots. This setup balances durability with visual appeal, creating a sheltered and attractive outdoor space.





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