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    Cherry Trees picking and harvesting dates

    Hi, I have an allotment since 2020 and am trying to create a fruit forest. My goal is to have a few different varieties of each fruit tree (most of them on dwarfing rootstocks), so the picking season can be extended. Is this year planner I created ok in regards to approximate cherry trees picking times? Thanks, Dani

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    Hi @danaya

    Thanks for your question about planning fruit harvests in your allotment. It’s a clever way to plan your growing space to ensure even cropping throughout the seasons. 

    This is also known as succession planting which you can read more on here. 

    Your spreadsheet is neat but I wouldn’t get too hung up on the weeks the trees are meant to fruit. What you’ll find is that Mother Nature will do things her way so it’s not an exact science when growing your own. 

    What maybe useful is to consider which month things fruit or produce in and that way you’ll have a more flexible schedule. Then you could record each year when said tree actually produced fruit. Do remember that fruit trees do tend to take a year off every 3-5 years so don’t panic. Also early frost can delay fruiting in cherry trees. 

    Lastly please only prune cherries in summer after they have fruited and never in winter due to silver leaf disease.

    Do take the time to watch and read my cherry tree pruning guide for more assistance! But other than that keep up the excellent planning Ninja! 

    Lee Garden Ninja

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