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    How late can I plant my Daffodils?

    Hello, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have a bag of unplanted daffs that are sprouting. Can I plant them now (March) or leave them to Sept, but how to store them in the meantime.

    Hi @wayneg

    The quick answer is plant your daffodils as soon as you can, even in spring if you missed the autumn planting window for bulbs. Yes, you may lose a few, but don't wait with bulbs until the following autumn if you forget to plant them, as they will die.

    When bulbs are lifted, they have a limited amount of energy, moisture and life in them, which is why they are lifted when dormant and not using much energy. However, most bulbs will only last 6-9 months without being in the ground, so plant them up ASAP. You may lose a few but better than losing them all.

    When you're planting bulbs, which have already sprouted, you need to really water them once in the ground, as their root system won't have established yet, so therefore these sprouting spring bulbs are entirely dependent on you for their water and sustenance this year. Water every 2 weeks, minimum, for the first 2 months or so, or until all the other flowering bulbs in the ground, like daffodils and crocus, have gone over and started to recede to their dormant state.

    For additional help on planting bulbs late let me walk you and the other Garden Ninjas though some top tips for late planting of spring bulbs. Daffodils are one of the easiest and most rewarding spring bulbs to grow, providing a vibrant splash of colour after winter's gloom but sometimes as you have found you buy them then forget to plant them!

    Lets start with planting them at the correct depth and spacing is key to ensuring they flower reliably year after year.

    How Deep to Plant Daffodil Bulbs

    Getting the planting depth right is crucial for healthy growth. Daffodil bulbs should be planted at a depth of 2-3 times the height of the bulb.

    • For most standard daffodil bulbs, this means planting them about 10-15cm (4-6 inches) deep.
    • Smaller varieties, like Narcissus Tête-à-Tête, can be planted slightly shallower at 7-10cm (3-4 inches).
    • If your soil is particularly sandy or light, plant bulbs a little deeper for stability and moisture retention. Conversely, in heavy clay soils, planting on the shallower end of the range can prevent rotting.

    Why Depth Matters:

    Planting too shallowly can result in floppy stems, while bulbs planted too deeply may struggle to emerge. The correct depth protects bulbs from frost and encourages strong root development.

    How to Space Daffodil Bulbs

    Spacing is equally important for a natural-looking display and healthy growth.

    • For large daffodil varieties, space bulbs 10-15cm (4-6 inches) apart.
    • Smaller types like miniature daffodils can be spaced closer together at 5-7cm (2-3 inches).
    • For a natural drift effect, plant bulbs in groups of 5-7 rather than neat rows – this mimics how daffodils grow in the wild.

    Ninja Tip:

    If planting in pots or containers, you can place bulbs closer together (around 2-3cm apart) for a fuller display. Just make sure they aren’t touching to reduce the risk of rot.

    Planting Technique for Success

    1. Prepare the Soil: Daffodils prefer well-drained soil in a sunny or partially shaded position. Adding compost or grit can improve drainage in heavy soils.
    2. Dig Individual Holes or a Trench: For mass planting, digging a trench can be quicker and ensures even spacing.
    3. Position the Bulbs Correctly: Plant with the pointed tip facing upward and the flat base (where the roots emerge) facing down.
    4. Backfill and Firm Down: Cover the bulbs with soil and gently firm the surface to remove air pockets.
    5. Water Well: After planting, give the area a good soak to help settle the soil and activate root growth.

    Do let us know how you get on!

    Lee Garden Ninja

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