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    Flamingo Willow........ what's happening?

    I've lived here for 5 years and inherited this tree from the previous owner, no idea when it was planted.

    It's always been easy to care for and flourished for the last 5 years, trimmed back in the autumn and this year it literally looks like it's dying, very woody and hardly any growth.

    Is it beyond saving? Please help 

    Uploaded files:
    • IMG_20240622_195842113_HDR.jpg
    • IMG_20240622_195823650_HDR.jpg

    Hi @tolkienista37

    Thanks for your query on your Salix Flamino tree.

    Looking at the images I think its gone into pruning shock. Autumn isn't the best time for a hard prune, the ideal time for this trees is in the dead of winter when they are dormant. I can see dead wood and damage from pruning wounds, unfortunately.

    Clearly it's making somewhat of a recovery, but if I were you, I'd give this tree a good liquid feed of organic plant food and then give it a neater prune this winter to remove any of the old and dead growth (anything black or brittle).

    I hope that helps, and let us know how you get on!

    Lee Garden Ninja

    Tolkienista37 has reacted to this post.

    @Lee thank you so much for your detailed reply, that is extremely helpful and more importantly really well informed.

    I am so guilty of pruning things back when it suits me rather than when it suits the bush/ plant /tree but now I've learnt my lesson the hard way and you've put me on the right path.

    Thank you so much. I will follow your instructions and hopefully save my beloved little tree.

    Quote from Tolkienista37 on 24th June 2024, 7:53 pm

    @lee thank you so much for your detailed reply, that is extremely helpful and more importantly really well informed.

    I am so guilty of pruning things back when it suits me rather than when it suits the bush/ plant /tree but now I've learnt my lesson the hard way and you've put me on the right path.

    Thank you so much. I will follow your instructions and hopefully save my beloved little tree.

    @lee hopefully you will get to read my post and my appreciation!


    It's me again!

    I've looked at your accompanying video on plant food and guess that I need a nitrogen rich feed to promote leaf growth..........but where on earth do i locate this, online or in store.  Honestly, no idea what to buy.

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