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    Issues with newly laid lawn turfpak and topsoil?

    Lawn size - 25m2

    We laid new grass in our back garden in August 2024. Both Blended Topsoil & Lawn TurfPak were purchased from Toilsoil.co. uk

    We followed the instructions as advised after laying the soil and turf. (Water the grass twice a day for the first two weeks and once a week for the next two weeks.) Initially, the grass started to look healthy and grew nice and green. But along with the grass, we started to notice some broadleaf weeds and mushroom heads. We ended up pulling the weeds out from the roots, and the mushrooms and we cut the grass as advised.

    Recently, there has been a major change in the way the grass grows and looks unhealthy. Which I list below.

    • Long/Tall thick wide grass on 1/4 of the turf.
    • The grass feels spongy.
    • Continuous weed despite pulling these out.
    • Patches where the grass has turned yellow.
    • Patches where there seems to be no grass and only soil visible.
    • Patches where on soil you can see that there is a bubble-like texture.

     You can see from some of the pictures of the description I provided. Please kindly advise how I can make my turf look healthy and bright green again and ready for spring.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

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    Hi @almash

    Thanks for your question about lawnpak and laying turf. It certainly looks as if there is a problem with your patchy lawn and uneven texture. I'm going to break down the steps involved with laying new lawns and that way it should point you in the right direction of where the problem lies and then the solution!

    You are correct in assuming your lawn is missing something. All I can see is the vigorous broad-leafed grasses and none of the finer fescue lawn seed in the mix.

    There are three potential causes of your lawn problems:

    1. Poor Preparation of Tilth & Soil Before Laying

    This means that the soil before the topsoil has been laid has not been properly weeded or aerated, which is why some parts of the garden feel spongy; it would also account for the perennial weeds popping up everywhere. Did you level and de-weed the turf before the rolled lawn and topsoil arrived? Breaking it up and then compacting it underfoot to remove large air pockets?

    Mushrooms are no cause for concern but do highlight the fact that mushroom compost has been blended with the top soil to add organic matter. Mushrooms in a lawn won't damage it. However, what was the rest of the soil texture like? This would indicate how finely it has been screened, if there were large bits of debris or glass in its course screen, whereas the finer screened soils are usually a better quality for lawns. This also helps remove any potential broadleaf tap roots that may have been present.

    2. Lawn Seed Mix Used in Turf

    The next area for investigation is what is the actual seed mix/blend used in the rolled turf? For example, utility or general wear lawns have more broad lead tougher as boots grasses (which you have plenty of); however, they should still have a mix of finer mesh together fescues, too! Which yours seems to be missing? It looks like it may have been really wet over winter and these finer less tough grasses have died out sadly.

    The ideal mix of seeds for a general utility lawn is:

    • Festuca rubra spp. rubra (Creeping red fescue) 40%
    • Poa pratensis (Annual meadow grass) 30%
    • Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) 30%

    3. Aftercare of the lawn including watering

    You're correct to state that you need to water a newly laid lawn consistently when it's first laid or rolled out. I'd go as far as to say that for the first month you can't really over water a lawn. However, in winter and autumn any lawn that's just been laid on unprepared ground, ie step one has been missed out, leads to water logged lawns in some cases. It looks as if this may have happened to you.

    How to fix your lawn

    Ok now for the fix, wit your lawn you're going  to need to scarify the lawn to help open up the structure and create new growth and then oversees with a ornamental lawn seed mix, not general or multipurpuse. This is because you've already got loads of the tough grasses Poa pratensis etc. An ornamental lawn has more fescue in it.

    • Festuca rubra spp. rubra (Creeping red fescue) 35%
    • Festuca rubra spp. communata (Chewings fescue) 30%
    • Agrostis tenuis (Bents browntop) 35%

    Follow my video guide below on scarification and that should sort you out!

    Top 20 Mistakes When Laying Turf

    Here are some other common mistakes for other Garden Ninjas struggling with newly laid turf either dying back of becoming patchy.

    1. Skipping Soil Preparation –Failing to remove debris, compacted soil, or weeds before laying turf can hinder root establishment.
    2. Ignoring Soil Quality –Poor soil without adequate nutrients or drainage reduces turf health.
    3. Not Testing the Soil pH –Turf thrives best in soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0; overly acidic or alkaline conditions can weaken growth.
    4. Failing to Level the Ground –Uneven ground can lead to dips, bumps, and patchy turf coverage.
    5. Laying Turf on Compacted Soil –Roots struggle to penetrate hard, compacted soil, resulting in poor growth.
    6. Skipping the Base Layer –Neglecting to add a layer of topsoil or compost can deprive turf of essential nutrients.
    7. Choosing the Wrong Turf Type –Selecting turf that isn’t suited to your garden’s light levels, soil type, or climate can result in poor performance.
    8. Laying Turf on Dry Soil –Dry soil robs new turf of essential moisture, making it harder for roots to establish.
    9. Delaying Turf Installation –Turf should be laid immediately upon delivery; delays lead to dried-out rolls and weakened grass.
    10. Failing to Stagger Turf Joints –Aligning turf seams in straight rows creates weak points that can dry out and separate.
    11. Overlapping Turf Rolls – Overlapping pieces create uneven patches and hinder root contact with the soil.
    12. Leaving Gaps Between Turf Rolls –Gaps between rolls create dry, patchy areas and allow weeds to invade.
    13. Not Pressing Turf Down Firmly –Failing to press turf into the soil (e.g., with a roller) can leave air pockets that stunt root growth.
    14. Forgetting to Water Immediately –Turf requires thorough watering as soon as it’s laid to promote root contact with the soil.
    15. Underwatering After Installation –Inadequate watering during the first few weeks can cause the turf to dry out and shrink.
    16. Overwatering –Excessive watering can suffocate roots and promote fungal diseases.
    17. Walking on Freshly Laid Turf –Foot traffic before roots establish can cause indentations, damaging the new lawn.
    18. Skipping Edging or Bordering –Without clear edges, turf can dry out faster and become uneven.
    19. Mowing Too Soon –Mowing before the turf is firmly rooted can tear up young grass. Wait at least 2-3 weeks before the first cut.
    20. Neglecting Ongoing Care –Failing to feed, mow, and maintain new turf properly can weaken the lawn and encourage weeds.

    Do let us know how you get on!

    All the best

    Lee Garden Ninja


    Hi Lee,

    Many thanks for your reply.

    Just a bit of background information. Prior to the complete makeover of my garden last summer, my garden was in a state no matter how much I tried to manage it. I suffered from uncontrollable weeds. I then decided to hire a landscaper for a new patio, topsoil and lawn. Although the old grass was taken out and went right through to the soil, unfortunately, the soil before the topsoil had been laid had not been properly weeded or aerated hence the current issues that I am facing now. Despite many efforts of rasing the issue of uncontrollable weed, I was reassured that this would not be an issue. However, the topsoil I purchased was really fine and advised that this was really good quality.

    The information you have provided has massively helped. I will start the process hopefully over the weekend.

    This is the process I will be following after watching several videos on this page and suggestions from others on this forum. 

    1. Removal of broad-leaf weeds using a manual hand weeder tool.
    2. Use weed killer that doesn't affect the lawn.
    3. After 3 days of using the weed killer, mow the lawn to the lowest point.
    4. Scarify the lawn.
    5. Aerate the lawn.
    6. Use the Ornamental Lawn Seeds - This is the closets Ornamental Lawn Seeds I could find that you recommended. (https://www.lawnsmith.co.uk/ornamental-lawn-grass-seed)
    7. Due to soggy and bumpy lawn, level the lawn using soil and or sharp sand.
    8. Water the lawn regularly.
    9. Use Miracle Gro - 4in1 Fertiliser twice a year to keep weeds and moss out and provide the necessary nutrients.

    Please advise if this is not the method that you recommend.

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