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    Help please Flamingo Tree looks like it’s dying

    I moved this flamingo tree 2 days ago, had it 18 months and not been pruned.  It is looking very unhappy is there anything I can do to save it.  It looks like its dying ?. Thank you

    Hi Roby

    It sounds like your Flamingo tree - Salix integra 'Hakuro-nishiki' may have gone into transplant shock. 

    These popular small willow trees are usually super hardy and the flamingo tree doesn’t really need much in the way of attention. That’s why the RHS gave it their award of merit. 

    Moving a Flamingo Tree

    As with any tree transplant the key is to water it well the day before you move it. Meaning the tree or shrub has enough moisture before the move. When you move a plant it has to reestablish its roots in the new position so can take a lot of effort.

    Id guess this is why it may look limp and sad.

    Give it a thorough soak and make sure it doesn’t dry out for the next few weeks. Not wet but if you put your finger in the new soil it’s not gone dry.

    If you could attach some pictures that would help?

    Caring for a Flamingo Tree

    Caring for Salon couldn’t be easier. They’re super tough plants. They will cope in full sun or dappled shade however they don’t like dry conditions. Given willow are a river bank plant that gives you and indication of the conditions they need. 

    Feed containerised Salix in spring with a liquid feed or autumn with a thick peat free compost mulch. 

    Prune in winter once the leaves have dropped to keep it in a neat shape. 

    Other than that they’re pretty much bullet proof. 

    Let us know how it gets on. 


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