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    Plum tree soil type?

    What soil do I need for my Patio Fruit Tree - Compact Plum Tree Mirabelle de nancy that I want to plant in the ground?

    Hi @saminapaul

    Thanks for your question about planting plum trees. Congraultations on being one of the mindful gardeners planting trees wich helps our environment regulate temperatures, avoid flooding and also promote insects, birds and wildlife. Ten Ninja points your way! The Plum you've chosen, Mirabelle, is an excellent small garden specimen, especially if chosen on a dwarf or small rootstock.

    If you haven't already read my detailed guide here on how to plant trees please do so or watch the video below. 

    Plums will grow in pretty much any soil type, whether that's clay, sand or silt-based soil. The key thing with plums is to make sure that they don't dry out after the blossom has fallen,n as this is when the tree needs enough moisture to sustain the fruits and stop them from splitting.

    If you have very sandy-free draining soil, it's key to ensure a weekly watering when the plum tree is in fruit to stop this or the tree from going into stress and dropping its fruits.

    Another thing to avoid is adding compost or starting to feed the tree straight away. New Plum and fruit trees simply don't need huge amounts of feed. It's best to let them establish their root system for the first 2 years or so and then feed only if the tree shows signs of needing food, i.e. yellowing leaves or rust (both of which are a sign of water stress and or nutrient deficiencies

    The last thing to bear in mind is fruit tree pruning. Even with brand-new small trees, pruning each summer after they have flowered or fruited with cherries and plums is key. NEVER WINTER PRUNE A CHERRY TREE. This can lead to silverleaf disease. Unlike apples and pears that are pruned in winter. My video below shows you how and when to prune cherries perfectly in late summer.

    Other than that, welcome to the world of gardening and do let us know how you and your Plum tree get on!

    All the best

    Lee Garden Ninja

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