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    Raised veg planter compost mix to use?

    Hi all, does anyone know if regeneration compost is any good to fill a raised planter on its own, or do I need to add anything to it? Thanks 

    HI @uk-neiljones

    Thanks for your question; I've not heard of Regeneration compost unless it's a brand.

    You can read my detailed article on how to choose the best peat-free compost here, though that should help.

    With raised planters, you must replenish the compost every year when growing edibles, as compost is a perishable growing media. In contrast, soil is a more long-lasting and durable method to grow crops. However, it still needs to be used at ground level and not in pots, as it's too heavy, and the fact it doesn't have access to dying or rotting plant matte kills off all of its benefits over a few years!

    All the best

    Lee Garden Ninja

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