Lee Burkhill: Award Winning Designer & BBC 1's Garden Rescue Presenters Official Blog
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Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to lay turf, your go-to resource for transforming your garden lawn into a lush, green paradise! Whether you're starting from scratch or rejuvenating an existing lawn, the process of laying turf is easy when you follow this guide which will result in a vibrant and healthy carpet of grass. Let's look at how to create the perfect lawn.
Have you just moved into a new property or new build? You may face bare earth or, in older properties, a lacklustre lawn that needs help ASAP! This ultimate guide to laying and fixing lawns will help you make the most of your garden and create a fabulous lawn in no time!
Grass lawns are tough, resilient, evergreen, and low-maintenance, making them an excellent garden surface for lower-maintenance gardeners. Laying turf with rolled turf or sowing grass seed is relatively easy if you prepare the ground properly first, and you'll have a new lawn in no time!
This lawn care guide will show you how to lay turf effectively, regardless of your chosen method. I will provide easy, step-by-step instructions for laying rolled turf or lawns from seed.
How to lay a lawn: Fast Guide
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A lawn is an area of soil often in a garden which is planted with several different grass species to form a living green surface. Sometimes, other hard-wearing plants, such as clover or camomile, are used. A lawn has the distinct characteristic of being kept short through mowing and cutting, usually with a lawn mower.
In my garden design practice, most clients consider a garden lawn an essential part of an English garden. It's understandable as to why that's the case.
Garden lawns are probably one of the most widely recognised garden design components. Turf has a variety of uses, such as lounging on a deck chair, manicuring it to perfection, getting your mates around to have a BBQ on it, or even as a football pitch for your children. A well-laid garden lawn with lush turf is a staple of a multi-functional garden.
Lawns are a great form of ground cover for gardening. It allows you to walk, play, or exercise on them, providing a multifunctional space in any garden. Lawns are usually made up of 3 or more grass species that grow together as a living ground cover or mat.
What can I use turf for?
Lawn turf is used to cover large amounts of the garden at a relatively low cost, enabling you to walk over it or use it for garden furniture.
You can use turf forhard-wearing informal gardens or utility gardens with play areas. This is especially true for child-friendly gardens or for people who need a low-maintenance garden that's zero fuss.
Turf can also be used for formal lawns with manicured ornamental stripes running up and down them. These are more suited to people who want to spend hours with their lawn, pruning, feeding, scarifying and lovingly tweaking it each week! (For the few, not the masses!).
Turf is an excellent ground cover that can be walked on or used as a sitting area in dry weather. It is especially useful if you have pets such as dogs and cats, as it allows water to permeate through and adds a light, airy texture to gardens.
One thing I'm adamant against is the use of artificial turf. You can read the horrific environmental impact of fake grass and why to avoid it here.
Choosing between rolled turf or grass seed
When it comes to planting a lawn, you have a couple of options depending on how much time or budget you have. If you want to get your lawn down as quickly as possible, then rolled turf is the quickest bet. However, if you're on a budget or need a very specific lawn seed mix, then sowing by seeds is the best bet.
Let's take a closer look at the two main ways to install a garden lawn.
1. Rolled turf installation
The fastest method is using rolls of precut turf, which are laid. They are installed in a staggered brickwork fashion, meaning they are fast but more expensive than seed.
Benefits of rolled turf
Fast to lay
Instant impact
Drawbacks of rolled turf
Expensive compared to grass seed
Requires considerable watering
Can become stressed if laid in warmer periods
2. Sowing grass seed
This method uses lawn seed, scattered onto prepared soil, which is allowed to germinate and grow into a lawn. This method is slow but cheaper than rolled turf.
Birds will often feed on the seeds before they germinate
Every gardener will have their preference. Some gardeners swear by creating a lawn from seed and enjoying the germination of the seeds, while other people prefer to get their lawn down in one weekend for that instant look. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of both methods of laying a lawn.
Costs of Lawn Seed per m2
Price (£)
Cost per m² (£)
Budget Lawn Seed
Mid Range Lawn Seed
Premium Lawn Seed
To work out how much it will cost to seed a new lawn simply work out the size of the area in m2 and then times by the price of the seed above.
i.e. If you use a budget seed at 16p per m2, then a 30m2 garden would be 30x0.16=£4.60. Alternatively, the same lawn with a premium seed would be 30x0.40=£12.
What's the quickest way to lay a lawn?
The answer is rolled turf, but while it quickly gives you an instant lawn, it requires the most watering and initial maintenance to get established. You will need to water it thoroughly three times per week for the first month until it's established.
Equipment for laying turf
Below is a handy list of the garden equipment you will need when laying a lawn with rolled turf or seeding an area to create a garden.
Turf (Measuring the space in meters squared and then 10% more than you need)
Before fitting a lawn, determine how much grass seed or turf you need. You do this by measuring the length and the width of the area to be turfed.
i) For rectangular lawns: Take measurement A and multiply by B (shown below) to get the square area, ideally, in square meters.
ii) For curved lawns: If you want a curvy lawn, work on measuring a square or rectangle dimension slightly bigger than the free-form area, as it makes it far easier to order turf. The leftover turf can then be turned upside down and stacked at the back of a border, breaking down and making excellent loamy compost! No waste!
How to lay a rolled turf lawn
Creating a lawn from rolled turf is the quickest method of getting the lawn of your dreams. In a few hours, you can have a brand-new lawn. First, you prepare the ground, ensure its level, create a fine tilth to which the lawn will roof, and then stagger your turfs. Lastly, water your new lawn.
Follow the detailed lawn installation steps below to create a fantastic lawn instantly!
1. Preparation is key to laying turf effectively
Before you lay turf, most of the work needed is in preparation. You may rush to get a new lawn, but preparation is key and saves drama or lawn installation failure.
This is because turf will follow any lumps or bumps if laid on a poorly prepared surface. If the ground is not entirely level and weed-free, you start in a losing position. Rectifying these issues afterwards is a nightmare, and you should be enjoying beers on your lawn, not spending hours levelling it, weeding it, and cursing it!
2. Measure the area of the lawn you want to lay.
This will enable you to order your turfs.
You'll need at least two measurements to work out the surface area—simply multiply one side by the other.
A good rule of thumb is to order 10% more than you need.
This is so that when you're staggering your joins, you are not left with a few tiny pieces to finish an edge. You can use a longer whole piece of turf, which will bed in far better than smaller bits pushed together, which will dry out faster.
3. Prepare the beds for the turf by digging over the plot.
This helps aerate and break up compaction in the soil. Compaction causes all sorts of problems, such as waterlogging, poor growth, dead spots, and diseases in new turf. So, using your spade and fork, turn over the ground. This is hard work but essential; think of it as free cardio!
4. Remove any weeds, debris and stones from the plot.
Use a riddle if the ground has many stones and debris. A riddle or grill is like a giant sieve; you can put your soil in one scoop at a time and filter through to remove bits of weeds and rubbish from the ground. This is especially true on new build properties.
5. Dig in some compost or other organic matter.
If your soil is impoverished, then it's a good idea to work in some fresh peat-free compost at this stage.
This will help provide long-term nutrients for the lawn and help retain moisture without being waterlogged. I usually dig in some compost to help break up any heavy soil.
Alternatively, if the soil is light and in good condition, then you can skip this step.
6. Level the plot with a rake and plant.
Using a back-and-forth action, first, rake over the plot. Then, use a plank of wooden to level out the soil. This will help pull the soil across the plot level, and further help breaks up any small clods. Again, if debris or rocks appear, then remove them.
7. Consolidate the raked area.
Now, it is time to shuffle! Using your feet, preferably with shoes on, shuffle across the lawn in straight lines one way and then the other. Consolidating the soil means that the lawn won't sink as readily and ensures there are no big air pockets in the soil. If there are, fill these pockets and then relevel.
8. Check the area is level.
Using the plank of wood and a spirit level, you can check that the area is level. Always take a couple of measurements of lengthways and widthways until the ground is level. If it is unlevel in areas, rake and even out, more shuffling again.
9. Create a tilth for your lawn to root through.
Lastly, using the rake on your level surface, lightly rake the top layer to create a fine tilth. Tilth is a powdery light layer of fine soil. This then enables a quick root uptake for your turf.
Rake your tilth one way and then rake 90 degrees the other way afterwards over the same area.
10. Order your turfs.
You can buy them either online in advance or from a local DIY store. Once you have your fresh turfs, you must lay them within 24 hours and not let them dry out, so bear this in mind if the weather changes or your preparation gets delayed.
Fresh, healthy turfs should be healthy and green, not yellow or brown. Turfs should also be moist, not bone dry.
11. Start to lay turfs in a brickwork fashion.
Using the board, lay this out over the soil and work forward or backwards. It doesn't make much difference, though some would claim forwards are better. In the video, I turf backwards, so it's easier for you to see the joins and laying technique.
The aim is to use the large sections of your meter-long turfs together rather than short sections of leftovers. It is better to have two medium-sized turfs than one full-size and one tiny size next to each other. This is because smaller turfs tend to dry out, which will impact the lawn uptake.
Use a sharp knife to cut any turfs, leaving a clean edge. Don't be tempted to tear them. It damages the grass and gives a rough, messy edge.
12. Butt up the joints tightly.
This enables the turfs to mesh together. Gaps will cause them to dry out and curl. You can butt them up by hand and then use the back of a rake to compress the turfs lightly to ensure contact with the ground and each adjacent turf.
Never stretch turfs to fit together. Always overlap them slightly, then push them down to create a firm join.
13. Neaten up edges.
Make sure with your knife that any ragged edges or wonky donkey bits are cut to a straight line. The edge of the board provides a clean, neat surface for cutting a clean edge.
14. Fill any turf gaps with sand & compost.
If the turf has gaps or awkward cracks around pavers or trees, use a mix of sharp sand and compost to fill them. This ensures the turf meshes together well and will spread into these spaces.
15. Water the grass thoroughly after laying.
Water your turf as soon as it has been laid. There's no need to feed your newly laid turf. In fact, it will root quicker to the soil if you don't. Ensure that the grass never fully dries out for the first few weeks.
It's better to water heavily every 4-5 days rather than a light sprinkle each day. Frequent light waterings can encourage Poa annua, a grass weed, to propagate in the newly laid turf. Take more care to check that the edges don't dry out.
Avoid walking on the grass for the next 2-3 weeks, or if you have to use the board to walk on to reduce the pressure of your feet on the newly laid turf, which is still establishing.
16. Recycle leftover turfs and create your own loam.
Place any leftover turfs upside down, grass side down, at the back of borders, or even in a bin bag that is then loosely covered. If using the bin bag method, stack the turfs on top of each other somewhere out of direct sunlight.
In months to come, the grass will have decomposed, leaving lovely, fresh, nutrient-rich loam, a term for well-balanced soil. So there's no waste!
When should you first mow a new lawn?
The first mow should be when the grass is 5cm or 2" tall, set the lawn mower blade to take a third off, so 1.5cm. Be careful not to scalp or cut the lawn too short whilst it is established, which may impede its development.
What's the size of rolled turf?
Rolls of turf come in two standard sizes in the UK, which are either 1 meter squared or 1 yard squared (0.84m). Once you've worked out the ground size for your lawn, you can determine how many turfs to order.
How much does rolled turf cost?
The average cost of 1 yard squaredof turf is £6-£7 in the UK.
Larger 1-meter squared rolls will cost marginally more, around £7-8 per roll.
The larger 1m turfs are often a better option as there's less joining, and you get more for your money. However, the larger rolls are heavier to lift and move.
Whilst you can buy discounted rolled turf for £3-£4 I'd advise against this as they are usually on very thin soil bases and therefore take far more water to establish and keep healthy. I often find that these cheap turf rolls in garden centres, when unrolled, suffer from the yellow-smelly syndrome!
Why is my rolled turf yellow & or smelly?
If you've bought rolled turf and notice it's turned yellow when you unwrap it, you have a problem. This is a sign of turf that's sat rolled for too long and has started to lose chlorophyll due to lack of sunlight, which all plants need. Usually, it will come back to life with some sun, but it may slow down the time it takes for the turf to establish.
Always check the turf you're buying by unrolling it slightly first to check.
If the turf smells eggy, rotten, or pungent, it has probably started decomposing with anaerobic bacteria. If it feels sloppy and you could tear it easily, then this turf will not survive. Since this cannot usually be saved, compost it instead, or if at the garden centre, choose different turf rolls!
Some lawn seeds produce thick, rugged grass, excellent for harder-wearing utility lawns, whereas other species use thinner, more delicate grass used in fine ornamental lawns.
As a general rule of thumb, ornamental lawns require far more maintenance than utility lawns as the seed types are less vigorous. Below are three common lawn seed mixes depending on the type of lawn you want to sow in your garden.
Utility Grass Seed Mix Example:
Festuca rubra spp. rubra (Creeping red fescue) 40%
Poa pratensis (Annual meadow grass) 30%
Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) 30%
Ornamental Grass Seed Mix Example:
Festuca rubra spp. rubra (Creeping red fescue) 35%
Sowing a lawn from seed gives you the ultimate freedom to pick the very best mix of grasses for your garden conditions. However, you can only sow a lawn from seed between March and September, never in winter.
How to sow a lawn from seed
Once you’ve chosen the seed mix for the type of lawn you are laying, it's now time to distribute them evenly and at the right density for your lawn.
1. Choose your lawn seed-spreading method.
My preferred method is to use a lawn seed spreader. These relatively cost-effective and easy-to-use tools enable the correct distribution of seeds to be dropped as you wheel them over the area. If you’re spreading by hand, it’s a good move to split the total amount of seed into four amounts and move both horizontally and vertically in 4 passes to drop the seed evenly.
You can also mix the seed with fine sand if scattering by hand to make it easier to see where you’ve spread it.
2. How to spread lawn seed
If using a seed spreader, then a suitable method is to seed at a 45-degree angle in rows rather than vertical stripes. This is because it becomes less obvious to the naked eye as the lawn establishes vertical stripes.
It also means any gaps are less likely to be visible at first. Meaning you can go and reseed these areas. For extensive turf areas, some lawn experts recommend using curved patterns, but for most people, simple lines are easier.
Don’t be tempted to over-sow the lawn with more seed than recommended. It just means you’re creating more challenging conditions for the rest of the lawn to germinate.
Some lawn experts recommend using the back of a rake to tamp down the seed. However, in my experience, this is where most new gardeners can cause more harm than good.
Unless the weather is bone dry, your grass seed can stick to your shoes or a wet rake will lift it and cause a mess in your distribution. Instead, I recommend light watering with a fine hose sprinkler, even the mist attachment, if possible. This is so you don’t disturb the seed that’s been carefully laid out.
5. Watering the lawn until germination.
Keep your new lawn watered, especially in warmer weather. It doesn’t need to be soaked, but don’t let the ground completely dry out or get scorched. Then, in 7-21 days, your seeds should start to germinate, and the magic begins!
Keeping Birds off Your Lawn Seed
One important point to stress is the need to keep birds off your lawn seed. Birds will eat your lawn seed and undo all of your lawn installation efforts!
The best way to do this is to crisscross the string about 3 inches off the ground just before watering the seed. Tie these to pegs on the outskirts of the seeded area, a matrix of string to stop the birds from easily landing.
When walking on the newly laid seed, use your wooden plank to stand on so as not to move the seed about.
Other methods involve placing a well-stocked bird feeder elsewhere in the garden. Don’t panic if the birds take a bit or disturb certain areas. You can always reseed these once the rest of the lawn has germinated. This is a good way of keeping everything in balance, trainee Ninja!
How long does lawn seed take to germinate?
Lawn seeds should germinate and show green shoots between 7 and 21 days. This depends on the weather, average temperature, and moisture availability.
If your seed hasn't germinated after 21 days, light sieving of compost over the top and a watering can help kick start it. The compost retains moisture longer, allowing the seeds to imbibe (take on) the water needed to sprout.
How long does lawn seed take to germinate in the UK?
In the UK, lawn seed germination usually takes 10-14 days to see your seedlings sprout green shoots. However, compared to other parts of the world, lawn seed germination will be surprisingly quick here in the UK. This is because we have a perfect mix of sunlight and rainfall during the spring and summer, creating the perfect conditions for speedy lawn seed germination.
What's the best time of year to lay a lawn?
The best time to lay a lawn is between autumn and spring when the temperatures are lower, and moisture levels are higher. However, it is also best to lay a lawn any time between September and April when there is no frost.
We want to avoid hotter summer weather because the heat causes much-needed moisture to evaporate from the turf. In extreme cases, the lawn will lose more moisture than we can water it, causing stress. This results in lawns not rooting property and needing life support as we waste water trying to keep it alive.
Whilst you can lay a lawn at any time of year, there are two conditions you want to avoid:
Both conditions make it hard, sometimes impossible, for rolled turf to take or grass seed to germinate, so it should be avoided.
Laying turf in summer
Many new gardeners think summer is the best time for laying a new lawn. But it's one of the worst times, given the extra water and resources it will take to get a lawn established. However, sometimes you have no choice, especially if your garden landscaping has run over and you need to get some lawn down in the summer.
If you have to lay turf in summer, keep those points in mind:
In a heat wave, you can cover the turf with a wet towel to prevent it from drying out.
If rolled turf is left for over 48 hours, you will need to unroll it after this time.
Water turf immediately after laying with a heavy soaker.
If turfing a large area, water in sections as you go.
Can I lay a lawn in winter?
You can lay a lawn from rolled turf in winter if you're desperate, but bear in mind that frost, sub-zero temperatures and hard ice-covered grounds will make it really difficult, if not impossible, for the lawn to root.
If the garden temperature is below 5 degrees, I wouldn't advise laying a lawn.
Sowing lawn seeds in winter is challenging and not advisable as the seeds probably won't germinate. If they do, any frosts may kill off their young shoots. The grass seeds have an inbuilt germination system that will stop them from growing if the conditions aren't right. It will be too cool for them to take on water and start to root, so they will sit there getting eaten by the birds!
How to fix a mossy lawn
Scarifying a lawn involves the process of mechanically removing thatch, moss, and other debris that may have accumulated on the surface of the lawn. Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that can build up over time and prevent air, water, and nutrients from reaching the soil. Using a scarifier or dethatching machine, the thatch layer is gently raked out, allowing for better airflow, water penetration, and nutrient absorption into the soil.
In addition to removing thatch, scarifying also helps control moss growth, which can thrive in compacted and shaded lawn areas. By raking out moss and other debris, scarifying opens up the turf, allowing sunlight and air to reach the grass plants and promoting healthier growth.
Furthermore, scarifying stimulates the lawn's natural regrowth process by encouraging the spread of grass seeds and the development of new shoots. This helps to fill in bare patches, improve the density of the turf, and create a more uniform and lush appearance.
Scarifying is an essential lawn care practice that rejuvenates the turf, enhances vigour, and creates optimal growing conditions for healthy grass. Depending on the condition of the turf and the level of thatch buildup, it is typically recommended that the lawn be scarified once or twice a year. For best results, scarify in Spring or Autumn.
The Freshness Factor: Timing Is Everything!
When turf is lifted and rolled, the clock starts ticking. Grass begins to degrade immediately due to exposure to wind and sunlight, which dry out the soil and damage those precious grass plants. To keep your lawn looking lush, insist on turf delivered within 24 hours of being lifted.
Here’s the kicker: if the temperature climbs above 15ºC, the inner layers of the turf roll can overheat, literally cooking the grass from the inside out. Ask your supplier if they cold-store the turf after harvesting—this can be a lawn lifesaver in warmer months.
Say No to Plastic Netting in Turf
Some turf suppliers use plastic netting to give their grass an artificial boost in strength during harvesting. It sounds handy, but let me explain why it’s not ninja-approved:
Shortcut Growing Times: Netted turf often means the grass has been rushed through a shortened nurturing period—just 6 months instead of the recommended 12-14 months. This leaves you with weaker grass plants.
Compromised Soil Bond: Because netted turf is grown with less soil, it struggles to establish a strong bond with your garden’s surface, leading to patchy results.
Plastic Pollution: Netting is a nightmare for the soil, restricting aeration and scarifying it. Plus, those plastics don’t break down, leaving an unwanted legacy in your garden.
How to fix a lumpy, bumpy lawn
A smooth, even lawn is not just visually appealing but also easier to maintain, especially if your lawn mower gets snapped on bumps and ends up scalping your lawn every weekend! If your lawn is bumpy and uneven, don’t worry—restoring its lush appearance is entirely achievable with a bit of know-how. Here’s my expert guide to levelling a lumpy lawn and keeping it that way.
1. Identify the Cause
Before tackling uneven spots, figure out what’s causing the bumps. If you don't, you may find they return, and all your hard lawn care work is for nothing! Common culprits include:
Soil Settling: This is especially common after construction or poor initial soil preparation.
Drainage Issues: Water pooling can erode soil and create uneven patches.
Pest Damage: Burrowing animals like moles or insects can disrupt your lawn.
Thatch Build-Up: A thick layer of organic material can cause surface irregularities.
2. Topdressing for Minor Lawn Bumps
For small dips, a topdressing approach is both simple and effective. This can easily be done in a weekend and is the lowest effort method for fixing bumpy and lumpy lawns. Here’s how to do it Garden Ninja-style:
Prepare the Mix: Use a blend of sand, loam, and compost for balanced drainage and fertility.
Apply the Mix: Spread a thin layer (no more than 1/2 inch) over low spots.
Rake and Water: Use a garden rake to distribute the soil evenly, ensuring it fills dips without smothering grass. Water thoroughly to help the soil settle.
Repeat as Needed: Allow the grass to grow through the topdressing. If unevenness persists, repeat in a few weeks as the top dressing settles and fills the voids in your lawn.
3. Fixing Significant Bumps and Holes
For more noticeable lumps and dips, it's time to take a hands-on approach and slice those bumps away. Depending on the size of your lawn, you will need a clean, sharp spade and a full weekend's worth of effort. Do this in spring or early autumn, but never in winter.
Remove the Turf: Cut through the grass using a sharp spade horizontally, as if you are lifting the turf, but only focus on the bump. This is like skimming the top off the lawn and removing the lumps with ut. Keep the grass intact, like a turf patch. Set it aside, ready to be reused later.
Adjust the Soil: Add or remove soil as needed to level the area. Dig and remove any spare soil to ensure that when the previously lifted turf goes back on its level. For the best results, use the same topdressing mix.
Replace the Turf: Carefully lay the turf back into place, pressing down firmly. Water generously for the first 2-3 weeks.
4. Aerate and Overseed
Aerating can make a massive difference if your lawn feels compacted and bumpy across large areas. You use a unique hollow tine aerator tool or lawn aerator machine that works over the entire lawn to remove tiny plugs of soil, allowing air and spaces in which you can refill with sane to help drainage.
Aeration: Use a core aerator to remove soil plugs, loosen the soil, and promote healthy grass roots. This is time-consuming, so make sure once you start you have enough energy and time to finish it. If possible, it's well worth doing this every 5-10 years on all lawns to stop lumps and compaction.
Overseeding: Spread fresh grass seed after aerating to thicken the lawn and cover newly levelled patches.
5. Tackle Drainage Problems
Poor drainage is a common reason for uneven lawns, especially in newly built homes and houses that have their gardens on heavy clay soil. Here’s how to fix it:
Regrade the Lawn: Adjust slopes so water drains away from your home and garden beds.
Install Drainage Systems: French drains or dry wells can redirect excess water. While these are time-consuming and expensive, sometimes they are the best solution for heavy clay or a newly built lawn. If you have just moved in, bite the bullet and get a landscaper to lay a French drain or drainage crates under the soil before laying a lawn.
Use Permeable Soil: Ensure your topsoil mix contains sand or grit to improve water flow and has plenty of organic matter in there. Remove any hardcore and builders' waste or bricks uncovered when adding drainage from your soil.
6. Prevent Future Bumps
To keep your lawn level long-term, follow these tips:
Regular Mowing: Mow at the right height for your grass type to avoid scalping.
Consistent Watering: Water deeply but less frequently to promote deep roots.
Seasonal Maintenance: Regularly fertilise, overseen, and aerate to maintain even growth.
Pest Control: Stay vigilant for signs of pests like moles or lawn grubs.
Learning Garden Design & Lawn Care
Why not level up your gardening skills with my Garden Design for Beginners course? It is the perfect place to begin! I offer several courses from £29 to £199 to help you learn the basics of garden design.
In my most comprehensive course, I, Lee Burkhill—award-winning garden designer and presenter on BBC1’s Garden Rescue—will guide you through the step-by-step process, helping you go from a beginner to a confident designer ready to tackle any project.
What You’ll Learn:
Design Principles: Master the core concepts that form the foundation of great garden design.
Planting Techniques: Learn how to select and arrange plants to create beautiful, sustainable spaces.
Design Styles & Layout Options: Explore different garden styles to suit every type of outdoor space.
Course Features:
20 hours of study time
Flexible online learning that you can fit around your schedule
Engaging with video lessons and quizzes to test your knowledge
Real-world case studies to put your learning into practice
Certification upon completion
This course is available now for just £199. Start your garden design journey today and gain the skills to create stunning spaces with confidence.
Garden Design Examples for Small Gardens: 30 Design Templates & Planting Plans
Garden Design Examples for Small Gardens: 30 Design Templates & Planting Plans: In this online gardening course, I'll walk you through 30 fantastic garden designs, explaining the logic behind the layout, the plant choices, and take-home tips for applying them in your own garden.
Weekend Garden Makeover: A Crash Course in Design for Beginners
Learn how to transform and design your own garden with Lee Burkhills crash course in garden design. Over 5 hours Lee will teach you how to design your own dream garden. Featuring practical design examples, planting ideas and video guides. Learn how to design your garden in one weekend!
Garden Design for Beginners: Create Your Dream Garden in Just 4 Weeks
Garden Design for Beginners Online Course: If you want to make the career jump to becoming a garden designer or to learn how to design your own garden, this is the beginner course for you. Join me, Lee Burkhill, an award-winning garden designer, as I train you in the art of beautiful garden design.
If you follow this lawn care guide, you'll have the perfect lawn in no time, whether using rolled turf for the instant new lawn or the more selective lawn seed. Although lawn seed takes far longer to establish, it does allow you to pick a precise blend of grass seeds for more problematic shady or delicate ornamental lawns.
Lawns help provide year-round greenery to your garden, which helps lift your mood and provide a beautiful foil for the rest of your garden plants. During the winter, your lawn will require slightly different care to the summer when it's actively growing. If you need winter lawn tips, then this article will show you what to do during the colder months to keep your turf looking fantastic!
Once established, you'll be able to use a lawn mower to keep your new lawn looking fantastic all year round. There are even robotic lawnmowers now to remove the need to lift a finger!
If you've just laid a new lawn, why not Tweet, Facebook or Instagram me with your pictures? You can also follow me on YouTube, where I’ve got plenty of garden guide vlogs.
Happy Gardening!
Brenda Coulson
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In an hour's online consultation, Lee led us cheerfully through several aspects of design to think about for our front garden. It was really helpful and left us with plenty of ideas, which is exactly what we needed. Thanks, Lee
Emma Gilmartin
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Had a speedy reply with lots of information on the question I asked in the forum on Stawberries. Thank you for being so helpful and friendly
Peter Kiernan
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The one hour consultation was absolutely ideal. It gave us everything that we were hoping for. As well as being very friendly, Lee gave us a range of excellent ideas and advice which will be invaluable to us as we plan and implement our new garden. He also gave us the confidence that we could take on the project rather than asking someone else to design and build it for us. He explains things clearly and simply, allowing us to absorb the lessons he has learned as a garden designer tailoring his advice to our situation and garden.
We cannot speak highly enough about our experience with Lee.
Joannah Mitchell
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A very informative hour long discussion with Lee. Lots of ideas which I can't wait to implement. I'm excited now about improving my new garden, I can see beyond the hard landscaping I have recently moved to. Thank you Lee 😊
Ellis Delmonte
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Excellent tips and tricks for garden care throughout the year.
Sharon Harper
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Really.clear and helpful advice. Lee is always upbeat and encouraging
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I always find Lee very helpful and very thorough when I watch him giving any gardening advice; a brilliant young man with great winning garden designs.
Andrea Spataro
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
booked a hour consultation to brainstorm some garden ideas and the result was phenomenal! Lee is extremely knowledgeable and provide specific recommendations base don your needs and final goals. Also, he was available with any follow up questions (even silly ones) that I had, treated with professionalism and a practical angle. A shame he does not live in London otherwise it would have been my easy go-to!
Jim Simmonds
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Love Lee's style, help and the fact he is always happy to share his knowledge - not many 'experts' do that. Love the videos tutorials too
Kath George
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Having looked at Lee's website I decided a one hour consultation would be good to try. What a brilliant service! Lee was lovely, putting me at ease within the first five minutes. We went through my long list and Lee came up with some great ideas. He also emailed me notes and sketches from the session. A lovely person, with lots of practical ideas and knowledge. I would reccommend trying this to anyone.
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